成立于1855年, 埃尔迈拉大学 is a private, 男女合校的, Phi Beta Kappa college located in Elmira, 纽约. 

mg冰球突破豪华版下载是第一所mg冰球突破豪华版下载,在严格程度上与最好的男子学院不相上下. 当时她们被称为“女子神学院”,本质上是被美化的高中. 相比之下,mg冰球突破豪华版下载从一开始就提供严格的学术课程. 

EC became 男女合校的 in 1969, and today has an undergraduate enrollment of approximately 800 full-time, mostly residential 学生. The College also offers advanced 证书master's degree programs, and non-credit courses for professional development.

The College is home to the Center for Mark Twain Studies,包括马克·吐温书房、马克·吐温档案馆和采石场. 该中心吸引了来自世界各地的吐温Academics,是美国四个具有重要历史意义的吐温遗产之一.S.

A group of female 学生 smile in front of the Mark Twain Study
Various memorabilia in the Mark Twain exhibit

Twain’s wife and College alumna, 奥利维亚·兰登·克莱门斯, 是mg冰球突破豪华版下载, 纽约, native and member of the Class of 1864.

现在位于校园内的马克·吐温书房是这位著名作家写作的地方 The Adventures of Tom SawyerThe Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, and other iconic works. 《mg冰球突破豪华版下载》 named the Mark Twain Study one of the nation’s top 10 literary landmarks.

采石场的农场, home to Twain’s in-laws and now under the stewardship of the College, is where Twain and his family spent more than 20 summers. 该网站被美国图书馆联合会和帝国图书中心命名为纽约州的文学地标之一, an affiliate of the 图书馆 of Congress Center for the Book.

埃尔迈拉大学 Mascot, Simeon


There are many references on campus to soaring eagles, 包括飞鹰运动队和飞鹰吉祥物. 20世纪70年代,为了向mg冰球突破豪华版下载地区“美国翱翔之都”的美誉致敬,田径队选择了“翱翔之鹰”这个名字." In the spring of 2022, the College initiated a contest for 学生, 教师, 工作人员, and Alumni to name the Soaring Eagle mascot. After multiple rounds of voting, 埃尔迈拉大学 President Dr. Charles Lindsay revealed the winning name: Simeon the Soaring Eagle. The name pays tribute to Simeon Benjamin, 埃尔迈拉商人, 慈善家, and founder of 埃尔迈拉大学.



紫色和金色. A competitive athletic spirit. 唱我们的母校. 传统 such as these help connect the Elmira community. We’re proud of our legacy, 我们期待看到学生们形成新的传统,与下一代领导人分享.



院长安斯蒂斯·哈里斯于1918年10月在mg冰球突破豪华版下载创立了山地日的传统. The day is not a designated holiday, but rather a day in which classes are cancelled, 允许学生, 教师, and 工作人员 to engage with each other in memorable and less formal ways.

在早年, 学生, 教师, and 工作人员 enjoyed a picnic lunch and hiked to 采石场的农场 on East Hill. 他们还参加了游戏,种植项目,放松,享受丰富多彩的树叶. In recent years, 山天 has been more campus-oriented. After a number of morning activities, a picnic lunch is served to the entire campus community, and the remainder of the day is spent enjoying the fall weather, 游戏, 户外活动.



节日宴会庆祝活动是EC历史悠久的传统中最古老的. 这是一个半正式的活动,开始了一个周末的传统节日庆祝活动. 

学生们和他们最喜欢的老师或工作人员一起在校园中心餐厅吃传统的感恩节晚餐. 教师 and 工作人员 serve the 学生 dinner, carving turkeys and passing dishes in a family-style meal.

In keeping with tradition, 毕业班会赠送一件对学院有特殊意义的节日装饰品. 班干部给学院院长送去装饰食堂圣诞树的装饰品. At the end of the 节日宴会, 毕业班的成员们在传统节日歌曲中引领着教室.



This long-standing EC tradition offers a family-friendly day of fun, 食物, 游戏, 工艺品, and entertainment for the entire community. 传统上,这一天的特色是一系列现场娱乐活动,包括mg冰球突破豪华版下载的无伴奏合唱团体的表演,以及EC Danceline等俱乐部和组织的示范.

In addition to entertainment, 各种各样的供应商, 地区工匠, and student clubs offer items for sale such as baked goods, 珠宝, 艺术作品, 陶器, 植物, 服装, 游戏, 美容产品, and locally grown produce. Proceeds from the Fair benefit student clubs.

Students play water balloon dodge ball during 5月天


五一节是mg冰球突破豪华版下载大学校园在温暖的天气里活跃起来的一周. Sink a classmate with a well-aimed throw at the dunk tank. Show off your inner rock star with the karaoke mic. Soak your classmates (and get soaked) with some water balloon dodgeball. Create some unique arts and 工艺品. Enjoy some detox after the long academic year. Dance around in a foam party. And gather around a fire to roast marshmallows for s’mores. 

Students walk with candles during 烛光


烛光 is one of the College’s most cherished traditions. 这个由两部分组成, 令人心酸的仪式首先在秋季欢迎每个新生的时候举行,然后在四年后的毕业典礼前夕举行.

秋季欢迎活动, 新生们在烛光下沿着通往the Puddle的砖砌人行道前进. After taking seats around The Puddle, 他们是由mg冰球突破豪华版下载社区的知名成员解决的. 领导新生迎新活动的高年级学生通常会坐在新生对面的水坑里. 秋季欢迎烛光仪式标志着在所有其他学生返回校园开始新学年之前,新班级最后一次聚集在校园里.

四年后, 第二天早上,当同学们在毕业典礼前最后一次聚在一起时,烛光响起. 按照传统,毕业班要由两位同学致词, an “honorary patron saint” from the ranks of the 教师 or 工作人员, and one graduating student’s parent.
